Tuesday, November 26, 2019

psyche essays

psyche essays PSY 2301 - MODULE 9: CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Learning - relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience Humans are most capable of all the species to change behavior through learning Helps organism to adapt to its environment Associative learning - learning through association of one stimulus to another: lightning to thunder Acquisition - initial learning of response Neutral stimulus should be followed immediately by UCS for best results Reversing classically conditioned response by pairing CS with UCS to achieve response that cannot occur at same time as undesirable CR Pairing feared white rabbit with cookies Cannot eat cookie and cry at same time Introduce cookie first, then rabbit Conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus must be closely associated in time Behavior is not new; association with different stimulus is new If individuals behavior determines whether stimulus is presented, process not classical conditioning Limited application because limited number of unconditioned stimuli/responses Classical conditioning is one way all organisms learn to adapt to environment Showed how learning (internal process) can be studied objectively PSY 2301 - MODULE 10: OPERANT Positive reinforcement must be given shortly following response Greater delay between response and reinforcer, slower learning Small but immediate reinforcement may be more effective than powerful but delayed reinforcement Cigarette smoking vs. good health/longevity 2) Consistency in delivery of reinforcement essential in beginning of learning process What is used as positive reinforcer must be desirable, have value to receiving person Continuous reinforcement - desired response gets reinforced every time it occurs Learning and extinction both occur rapidly Partial reinforcement promotes slower learning but greater resistance to extinction than contin...

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